What are good Calls to Actions (CTAs) for your online store?

What are good Calls to Actions (CTAs) for your online store?

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Why CTAs?

„Call-to-Action“ or in its short form also called CTA, is a term that is used very often in online marketing. But why don’t you drop by the CTA?

Very simply explained: The call-to-action is essential for the success of almost all digital marketing activities. Be it your e-mail campaigns, your online shop itself or various landing pages.

What is a call to action (CTA)?

With the CTA, you want to get your users to perform a specific action by clicking a button. This action can be a download of a whitepaper, a click on a certain page of your online shop or the completion of an order. Don’t forget, however, that the CTA should be relevant and, above all, convincing, otherwise users will not click on the CTA button.

When writing your CTA, keep the following points in mind:

  • Who should do the action?
  • What action do you want your audience to take?
  • How can you get your target audience to take a specific action?

A CTA is therefore a graphic button that can appear in your newsletter, on social media or in your online shop itself. Ultimately, how you design your CTA depends entirely on your target audience, who should ultimately click on it.

In any case, it is important that your CTA button is clearly visually recognizable and therefore clearly visible to your target group. Avoid having your audience scroll to find a CTA!